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I’m a sucker for quick lists that really get to the point, like Sophie Keller’s recent “Five Ways to Live Your Life without Regrets” at Huffington Post.  While the five points may seem a little obvious (or even a little sappy), I think they do a good job of summing up what a life well lived is all about. They are:

  1. Choose Love
  2. Be here. Now!
  3. Take Risks
  4. Make a Difference
  5. Be Patient

These are definitely traits that I would hope to find in a mature person of faith. Read more at Sophie Keller: How Happy Is: 5 Ways To Live Your Life Without Regrets.

A great post from Gretchen Rubin at Huffington Post on running a good meeting. I especially like tip number fourteen: No chairs! “Bob Sutton…points to a study that showed that people in meetings where everyone stood took 34% less time to make an assigned decision, with decisions that were just as good as those made by groups who were sitting down.” Of course, accommodations would have to be made for those who couldn’t stand for an entire meeting. But imagine a world where meetings took a third less time. The mind boggles.

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